
Fearing God

Learning to fear God: I had to do some soul searching and asking for forgiveness from God because I was not fearing Him. I'd value other things and people more than I value Him. I woke thinking wanting to fear God. Hearing the story of Joshua in chapter 24 and listening to Dr. Tony Evans this morning, a lot was on my mind. Allow me to share: The Lord is a Great and Mighty King! We should give a Great and Mighty King our best (praise, worship, sacrifice, time, effort), not our leftovers (tiredness, unwillingness, wrong motive of doing, heart is not in it)! Either you bring Him your all and your  best or He don't want it all! HE DESERVES OUR ALL! NOT SOMETHING THROWN TOGETHER! HE DESERVES TO BE RESPECTED! We do more for others and things more than what we do for God. Why? Because we value it more than God. We can watch our favorite tv shows and be tired but stay focus because that's what we value. But when it comes to God, we can barely stay focus for Him for 20 minutes